• 북마크


Paul Blanco - On A Ride (Interlude)


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댓글목록 1

CJ흑성센세님의 댓글

These days just don’t get any worse
Feelings only get in the way lately

You should’ve took me serious when I said
Its not that hard to lie right to your face
That all these guys including me are the same
Hate to watch you make these same mistakes again

Rollin dope smoke the pain away
Will I ever see you again
Baby girl lets free fall
In front of all these people

전체 399 건 - 5 페이지
CJ흑성센세 266 0 0 2019.05.04
CJ흑성센세 356 0 0 2019.05.03
CJ흑성센세 336 0 0 2019.05.02
CJ흑성센세 298 0 0 2019.05.02
CJ흑성센세 232 0 0 2019.05.01
CJ흑성센세 361 0 0 2019.05.01
CJ흑성센세 251 0 0 2019.04.30
CJ흑성센세 296 0 0 2019.04.26
CJ흑성센세 243 0 0 2019.04.26
CJ흑성센세 257 0 0 2019.04.26
CJ흑성센세 351 0 0 2019.04.24
CJ흑성센세 374 0 0 2019.04.23
CJ흑성센세 286 0 0 2019.04.22
CJ흑성센세 251 0 0 2019.04.22
CJ흑성센세 304 0 0 2019.04.21
CJ흑성센세 417 0 0 2019.04.20
CJ흑성센세 259 0 0 2019.04.19
CJ흑성센세 356 0 0 2019.04.19
CJ흑성센세 330 0 0 2019.04.19
CJ흑성센세 376 0 0 2019.04.13


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